
Smart Knife Stand with Child Safety Lock

The only thing sharper than our knives is our focus on safety!

We provide the best services!

Electronic password and a mechanical lock

Sending a warning message to parents

Connection to the smart home system

How does SafeStand work?

A safe kitchen starts with safe knives.

You can’t hide kitchen equipment from children. Our approach is to inform parents of the child’s attempts to use a knife in the shortest possible time. The warning message will be sent in different ways, such as sending a warning on a mobile phone.


Product features

Two-step encryption protocol, numerical encoding technology and audio

Fingerprint sensor with the ability to define 3 fingerprints

Connected to IoT and sending notifications to parents and usage reports

Knife sharpening system at the entrance and exit of knives

Knife blade dryer and disinfectant system to prevent contamination

Product description

A household knife stand, which has a password and lock for children. This product based on the age of children who are at home and based on the type of parent-child interaction can reduce the risk of “knife use by the child” in various ways. Besides the electronic password, a mechanical lock is also placed in the stand.

To manage critical situations, the stand is connected to the smart home system. Such as when parents are not at home and children decide to work or play with knives. Parents will receive a warning message if the password is entered by mistake or multiple attempts to open the stand.

Get to know us

Azin Zarnani

Technical Manager

Mana Ghorashi

Marketing Manager

Shayan Koochakian Saboor

Accounting Manager

Ehsan Mollaie

Project Manager